Navigon promised us free map updates for life. Garmin, when they purchased Navigon, told us to pound sand.
In this release, they offer a one-time free map update. Whoopee-do.
Ive already switched to Waze, and that was before iOS6s free maps. Theres another half-dozen apps out there either free or less than ten bucks.
Navigon/Garmin is running scared. They realize now theyve done nothing but abuse their user base, and people are leaving them in droves. One free map update? Will that make me come back? No. Give me what I was promised, free map updates for the life of the product. You got my money on that basis. You lied.
This company does not keep its promises. Dont buy this. Go to all the many, many, alternatives.
Anosognosic Reviewer about NAVIGON U.S. Central, v2.2